Financial Independence Day!

July 4, 2020

What does financial independence mean to you? Knowing your personal definition can help guide you to your Financial Independence Day! Listen to this week’s podcast to learn about the 7 habits to put into place to align your goals.

Show Topic: Financial Independence

  1. What does it mean to you?
  2. Avoid credit card debt
  3. Don’t try to keep up with the Jones’
  4. Understand Cash Flow
  5. Spend less then you make
  6. Pay Yourself first

Join Crystal Langdon of Crystal Clear Finances, weekly, as she discusses practical steps that you can take in your finances and everyday life!

  • Find out more about us on our website at
  • Listen on the radio every Saturday at 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM on WJIV 101.9 FM.
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  • Join us live on Facebook, every Wednesday at 5:30 pm EST for Wealthy Wednesdays where we break down financial topics into bite-size pieces. 

It’s time your finances are Crystal Clear! Call us today at (518) 433-7181 and schedule your free initial consultation.

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